CLAM Manual Collection Kit
CLAM Disk Deployment Using Manual Syringe
This Kit comes with any selection of 1 CLAM Disk, tubing and fittings with a 100 ml syringe. This kit makes it easy to extract smaller water volumes such as 1 liter samples with just the small CLAM Disk being sent back to the lab.
The CLAM Manual Collection Kit has almost unlimited applications where a water extraction sample for trace organics is desired. (see Technology of the CLAM Disks) highlighted web link Since the water is extracted in-situ and the water is left behind, shipping logistics, bottles and costs are reduced. Another benefit is the holding time clock is extended to months allowing for remote and simplified field extractions.
With just the CLAM Disk, a weight, 5 ft of tubing for the extraction, 2 ft of tubing for the evacuation, a 3 way valve and a syringe, anyone can place the weighted CLAM Disk in a body of water, draw 100 ml of water through the CLAM Disk into the syringe, turn the 3 way valve to evacuate that water, and repeat the process until the required volume has been extracted. Great for screening or compliance testing at any depth or composite sampling extraction for the Environmental Professional or amateur.
Attach the included 3-way valve to the syringe. Attach the 5 ft of tubing to the 3-way valve. Attach the 2 ft of tubing to the other port of the 3-way valve. The syringe plunger should be all the way engaged inside the syringe. Remove the Conditioned CLAM Disk from its package. Mark the CLAM Disk with unique identifier with a sharpie pen and include that identifier on the package label or your own chain of custody. Remove the luer loks from the CLAM Disk. Attach the other end of the 5 ft piece of tubing fitted with luer end to the back of the CLAM Disk. The writing on the CLAM Disk is on the front where the water will be drawn in (see illustration below).

The directional flow must follow the above diagram. This flow pattern requires that the water be drawn in through the disk from the suction side of the syringe. This allows the water to pass through the female luer inlet, the pre-filter, and SPE media disk respectively, before exiting the CLAM Disk to the outlet tubing to the Syringe. The 5 ft length of tubing is for shallow sampling, but can be exchanged to any length dependent on the depth one wants to sample.
Place the weighted CLAM Disk in the body of water to be sampled. Start pulling the plunger out of the syringe which will draw water through the CLAM Disk and into the syringe. If water will not draw, change the setting on the 3 way valve. Draw the water to a measured point on the syringe, typically 100ml. Turn the 3 way valve to the other position. Push the plunger all the way in to evacuate the water out of the 3 way valve. Repeat the process until the desired volume has been achieved. One foot of the 1/8” id tubing will hold 2.5 ml of water. If 1000ml of water is the desired volume of water to be extracted, on the last fill of the syringe add to the volume 2.5 X the length of the tubing used. Example: 1000 ml of water extracted with 5 feet of 1/8 id tubing: (1000ml + 5 x 2.5 ml) = 1012.5 ml
Syringe Illustration

For deployment typically the CLAM Disk is tethered on the end of a length of tubing (see picture) that is weighted with an inline ballast. For deeper extractions the tubing should be supported by a support line or chain. The syringe and plunger will draw up the water through the CLAM Disk and collect the effluent into the syringe with measured volume. With this method the depth of the deployment and extraction is solely dependent on the syringe and tubing capabilities to handle the required depths.
The CLAM Disk operating parameters:
- Do not exceed 100ml/min of flow through the CLAM Disk.
- Maximum capacity of one CLAM Disk is usually 100 liters, unless clean waters allow for greater volume pass through.
- Follow the CLAM Laboratory Application notes for conditioning, spiking, elution, and shipping instructions.
- The CLAM Disk has no depth limitations, but pumping and tubing capacities will limit extraction depths possible.
- Total volume is determined by the syringe volumes collected.
- The CLAM Disks must be enclosed using the provided Luer plugs after they are conditioned and or deployed to prevent atmospheric contamination and drying.
- The CLAM Disk functions as an extraction device, an air tight unbreakable shipping bottle, and a device designed for syringe solvent elution.
- The extracted CLAM Disks are no longer a water sample, and can be treated as a solid matrix, which allows freezing and storage of potential data, stopping the hold clock for up to a year.
- The user and laboratory will realize cost savings as they do not have to ship volumes of water, coolers or extract the water.
- The CLAM Disk has extracted the water, and left the water behind.